Friday, February 12, 2016

My Supports

Throughout our lives, there will be times where we will need support from other individuals and things in order to properly maintain in our daily tasks and responsibilities.


In my case, I happen to frequently depend on my relatives for the care of my son in times of need when my fiancé and I are neither able to be there, such as picking him up from daycare, taking him to the doctor when he is sick, or even just support all around. I am grateful to have family that are always there to support me in my times of need, because it I did not have them, there would be times that I would be without, had I not gotten the support from them.
Secondly, my car is a definite factor of support because I use it every day to get to and from the places that I need to go. My job is 45 minutes away from home and I commute five days a week in my car. If I were to not have a car, I would more than likely be without a job as well, from having no transportation to get there; and having not job, would mean having no income, which would cause a chain of effects one after another.
Lastly, Healthy drinking water is a major support for me. I use water for drinking, bathing and cooking, etc. this environmental factor of support is very important to me because there are people in other countries who do not have access to healthy factors such as this and I am very appreciative to have healthy water because if I were not supplied with healthy drinking water, the health of my loved ones and I could be in great danger.
I chose to imagine myself not being healthy and physically able. Being physically able allows me to stand, walk and complete tasks on my own without the help of others. Just thinking if I did not have the ability to  
move and do things at my own will would be quite different for me because I am used to doing so and if I could not, I would need someone to do most of the things for me that I’ve once done alone. I am so thankful to be physically healthy and able to move all of my limbs voluntarily. I salute the people who are in a situation like this and my heart truly goes out to them.


  1. So true family, cars, and water are critical support for us all. I though your pictures were a fun addition. Did you think about the emotional support you get and need from your friends and family? I don't think I could make it without the emotional support of mine.

  2. Family as well as water is a much needed support system for everyone. I didn't even include my car. Now that is definitely a support I am thankful for. Great post!

  3. Hi Deidra, great job all is very important .Being healthy is very important because we have to be there for our family ,I love drinking water morning ,noon and night is a wonderful way to start your day .Thanks Jackie

  4. Hi Deidra,
    I really enjoyed reading about your support system and the adorable images that you included with it. I loved that you listed your car and water as part of your support system. That is very true because we all need transportation and water to survive. Great work!

