Saturday, March 12, 2016

Sharing Web Resources

Zero to Three is a non-profit organization that supports children from birth to ages three, providing parents, professionals and policymakers the knowledge and the know-how to nurture early development and explaining the process and benefits of supplying children with the proper care in the early developmental stages of life.
NEWSLETTER: Dual Language Learners: A Screening Guide for Program Leaders.
This Issue/Trend caught my attention because in our course, we are currently learning of how to properly include bilingual children in the classroom. A screening test is provided for all head start children within 45 days of entering head start and serves to prove whether non-English speaking or speaking children need extra services due to certain developmental delays they may have. Much controversy has spread over time stating that bilingual children learn slower when a second language is taught to them, the newsletter clarifies that it is not true, in fact, also stating that children with disabilities being taught a second langue does not mean they will learn slower. The newsletter also provides an assessment: Guide for Supporting Teachers: Making Decisions to Adjust Teaching Provided discussions questions on procedures to take if a child is not progressing in the classroom and a link for families as well: Importance of Home Language Series, that helps them studies ways for bilingual families to maintain the home language for the children's sake and listing benefits as well.


  1. Zero to Three has wonderful research based documents. My go to place for resources.

  2. What an interesting article. Meeting the need and assessing the child to give them the adequate support required is wonderful. I love the idea of testing, because it allows the teachers and parents to see where the children are and they then can create individualistic goals to ensure that continual learning happens. I remember working in childcare when we performed assessments within 45 days and then one was provided to the parents as well. We shouldn't be concerned with the children being slower at learner or not but making sure the children are progressing and able to learn the language or whatever they need to learn. Tools are always great for families too, kudos to the newsletter and Zero to Three.

  3. Diedra-

    I always refer to Zero-Three for information, simply because they seem to be at the for front of early childhood issues. The information you spoke about is a hot topic in education. ELL is has so many components and it is difficult for one to find a true understanding based on the language barriers.

  4. Diedra

    I enjoy the information that Zero-Three gives concerning the ongoing issues/trends in the education field. I like the idea of the assessment and I believe it is a great way to understand how to teach each child individually. The assessment can also help educators to provide the resources that families need to help children enhance development.
