Saturday, June 4, 2016

Research Around the World

For my week 5 Blog assignment, “Research around the World”, I chose to explore: Early childhood Australia:
Some of the current international research topics on the early childhood in Australia website are
-State of Early Learning in Australia Report 2016 – This report provides information on the quality, participation, and affordability of early childhood education and care currently in Australia
-Productivity Commission Inquiry into the Education Evidence Base- looking at national approaches to collecting and using data for early childhood education and care to improve outcomes.
-National Quality Framework Review – Looking at the efficient and effective ways Australia is improving quality education and care.
-Reform of the Federation White paper – Documentation of government spending to improve transparency
    This website as a whole consists of: Learning modules, Social media channels, Early Childhood Magazine, ECA Voice News Letter Everyday Learning series, Research in Practice series, Australian Journal of Early Childhood Education and ECA WebWatch e-newsletter.
    There is also a parent section that provides important information and strategies on real topics affecting parents of young children, such as their health, nutrition, separation anxiety, sleeping, and transitions from early childhood to school. I would recommend this site to educators and parents of young children


  1. I read the website for the Australian early childhood but I also looked into the website that talked about children in Ghana. I think that both of these websites are good and give educators a different perspective of the world view of early education.

  2. I read the website for the Australian early childhood but I also looked into the website that talked about children in Ghana. I think that both of these websites are good and give educators a different perspective of the world view of early education.

  3. Hi Diedra,the wesite of Australian of early childhood had a lot of great information -Productivity Commission Inquiry into the Education Evidence Base- looking at national approaches to collecting and using data for early childhood education and care to improve outcomes this information is great for research thank you Jackie

  4. Hi Diedra,the wesite of Australian of early childhood had a lot of great information -Productivity Commission Inquiry into the Education Evidence Base- looking at national approaches to collecting and using data for early childhood education and care to improve outcomes this information is great for research thank you Jackie

  5. Hi Diedra,

    I also chose this source. I found the Early Years Connect interesting. It is excellent that Australia has a program to train Early Childhood educators.

  6. Diedra,
    I also chose Early Childhood Australia. I found other current topics by reviewing their blogs. I found good information in the Learning Hub tab, especially the Start Early organization. I like how they offer webinars on their website (for purchase). They appear to be very relevant to the work of early childhood educators.
    Joyce O.
