Friday, December 18, 2015

When I Think of Child Development

Quote about children

I can most definitely agree with this quote, although the author is anonymous. A child comes into the world with the vulnerability to have lasting affects on whatever and whomever they come in contact with. I often hear people say that children are like blank slates, which I beg to differ. children come into the world with basic instincts and the curiosity to discover the world around them. That is why I believe that it is necessary to be mindful of the type of people that enter the lives of children. A positive individual can leave a positive mark, but negative could also leave negative marks, leaving lasting effects on children.


  1. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful and meaningful quote. Children are so precious and everything we say and do effects them in a positive or negative way. Why not make every moment special and every moment positive. We must show our children how important and valuable they are to us, so they can continue the cycle in their adult lives.

  2. Diedra,
    I loved that quote and I couldn't agree more. Although children are not blank slates, they are easily impressionable and surrounding them with positive influences is important. Unfortunately, as they grow older, it becomes much harder to do. All we can hope at that point is that we have given them the tools they need to make good decisions. I posted a similar quote on my blog so if you're interested, check it out. I also posted a professional thanks to you and Chenay. Your blogs have been very inspiring. Thank you for your insights.

  3. Very interesting quote and a very important quote to keep in mind! We do not always know of the types of influences each child have experienced. Thank you for such an influential post!

    I hope you and your family have a great 2016! I look forward to working with you in future are a great person to work with! Best wishes on you journey through program!
