Friday, April 15, 2016

Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 3

Due to the fact that I still have not received a response from any early childhood professionals through the podcast, I chose to navigate UNESCO’s “Early Childhood Care and Education” webpage ( and share insights I have learned that reflect my professional goals. There was not much that I could find on this site because many of the pages were considered as a forbidden area unable to access, therefore I decided to share what was available and also happened to be interesting to me. One of UNESCO’s themes, “Education for the 21’st Century” followed by the Education 2030 Framework, is an organization developed to enhance equitable services such as quality education, gender equality, rights of humanity, health awareness- specifically focusing on HIV and AIDS and vocational skills. Using global and regional systems, building partnerships and collaborating with governments, UNESCO plans to affect education systems in this exact matter worldwide. I was very intrigued to learn that the UNESCO has been in effect since 1945 and seeking to promote benefits for the betterment of education for children in many countries. Considering the fact that advocating for quality education for children in the early childhood program has become part of one of my newly revised professional goals, this theme of UNESCO showed much relativity to my future plans and goals upon entrance in the early childhood field.


  1. Diedra,
    Great post! I also chose to do the alternative assignment. I enjoyed exploring the webpage because it provided many tabs on early childhood.

  2. I missed the fact about UNESCO being around since 1945. This is definitely dedication to the field. I love all that UNESCO is doing and where they are going. I would like to see if I could be apart of the global community with the organizations I am apart of currently. Although there is much to be done locally. I think its awesome to help out any and everywhere. If more of us collaborated here in this country things can be accomplished a lot sooner.

  3. I have been in the EC field since 1990 and have never even heard of this organization so it is appalling to me that this world wide perspective on education could have been something I could have accessed and learned so much about the EC field globally. What a rich resource! This global perspective is what I know I need more education in.

  4. I also like how they are looking holistically at the child's nutrition, physical, and emotional needs.
