This course has been very interesting and educational for
me. I learned things that were simple but hardly recognized and taken for
granted, when it was practically right at my fingertips the entire time.
Throughout this course and program as a whole, I can recall some of the heartfelt
lessons that I would not mind sharing at all. Understanding that working with
diverse children and families means not only that we just teach children of
different races and cultures for 6 or eight hours a day, but to respect them,
love them and accept them for exactly who they are, not matter their identity,
sex, age, religion, physical ability or appearance and any other make up about
them that makes them difference. I believe that I have adopted the idea of “teaching
to strength” mostly because I felt that this was a reversal technique that
seems to reap many benefits for the better. As early childhood educators, why
not learn to remember and speak on more of the accomplishments of the child
than failures? “Unfortunately many of our assessment tools work that way, we
try to figure out what children don't know so that we can make sure that we can
catch up, and we can teach them what they don't know.” (Laureate Education
2011). Secondly, I enjoyed learning how to and the importance of communicating.
I have realized how important it is to sometimes sit back and actively listen
to children, which can even help you answers question you have in mind without
even having to actually ask. Lastly, I felt very intrigued about learning of
children with varied disabilities, the discomforts they may possess, along with
misconceptions, as well as for other children they come in contact with. From the
different scenarios I have read, I have learned how to handle negative
situations in these cases to make a positive turnout for both parties.
I do
not think that I can say it any clearer than this, but by describing those
three aspects of my learning experience for this program. I hope to be able to
someday each and every aspect of those listed above and have the strength,
courage and knowledge to influence someone else to do the same as I did, and
the same for someone else as well.
I would
like to thank Dr. Pickens for being such a great instructor. Thank you for such
insightful messages and compliments throughout my discussions, applications and
blogs. I enjoyed your class and I will miss it. To my colleagues, you all
REALLY ROCK!! I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with each and
every one of you. I appreciate your comments and inputs that helped me to
broaden my thinking when it came to certain topics. I will miss you all very
much!! I hope all is well and I wish you all the best of luck in your future :}
Laureate Education, Inc. (2011). Strategies for working with diverse children: Your commitment to anti-bias work. Baltimore, MD: Author
HI Diedra
ReplyDeleteThis has been a great course and I have enjoyed all of the lessons and activities that went along with it. I love your statemeant about sitting back and listening to children. There are many different things that can be learned just by listening. I do not believe that many people know this. Just giving that child a chance to talk and holding a conversation with them can really mean a lot to them. These days with all of the technology that we have, most people are glued to it and not actively listening just agreeing and sending the child on so they can get back to doing what they were doing online. Children love the one on one time and both involved can learn a lot from it. Great post!
Hi Diedra,
ReplyDeleteI think this has been one of my favorite classes in this program. It sort of pulled everything we have learned together and I can see the difference each one of us can make. Early childhood is not for the faint of heart, and the commitment shown by my colleagues thus far is staggering. You mentioned teaching to a child's strengths - and I couldn't agree more! Why spend time focusing on what "is wrong" with a child, when it is so much more powerful to highlight their strengths and use those to help build areas of improvement?
Thank you for your eloquent and insightful blog posts - you are by far one of my favorites! All the best in this final leg of our journey.....
Heidi #2
ReplyDeleteI have enjoyed working with you. I have taken away a lot of important information and input from this course. I have learned so much from the people that I have came into contact with. I am thankful for your feedback and words of encouragement. As you continue to move forward in this field continue to take that same passion, love, and nurture along with you and you will be a success. Our young children today need educators and teachers like this. Their future depends on it. There are so many educators cheating our children because they lack the passion needed to be true educators. I wish you the best in becoming a successful early childhood professional. I am looking forward to seeing you in our final course. Good Luck!!