Saturday, April 23, 2016

Consequences of learning about International Early Childhood

Consequences of learning about International Early Childhood
Learning about the International early childhood field to me, is considered as a life-changing experience and getting a first hand look at the many issues and trends that children are facing in other countries than our own. Although some countries face different issues as us, such as poverty, malnutrition and access to healthy drinking water, some issues are just the same as ours as well, such as children and families receiving an equal and fair education. on the Professional side, administrators and instructors are given the chance to understand what diverse children and families lack in their home countries, which can help them to better understand what is needed of them and how to offer those things if they were to ever enter their classroom. This would also apply to me as well, considering the fact that I plan to one day become an early childhood instructor.
I believe that One goal for the field related to international awareness of issues and trends and the spirit of collegial relations should be to produce a better pathway of communication between American early childhood educators of the U.S. and international early childhood educators in order to build strong partnerships, share ideas on how to spread the awareness regarding the well-being of young children to ensure that they receive the best education as possible and work towards bringing a reduction to inequity in the early childhood field nationwide.


  1. Deidre,
    Your goal is so important. We are no longer an isolated country separated by geographic boundaries and so we do need to build up our ability to learn from each other so can all increase the lives and futures of our children. Poverty should not be happening, we have the materials and the technology to grow enough food to feed the world, it is shameful that our young, our poor, and our elderly are not given the assistance and respect they deserve.

  2. Diedra

    The communication with international contacts are important in the field of early childhood. We do have different issues we are facing we know our ultimate goal are the children. Good Luck

  3. You are right! Learning about Early Childhood internationally is life changing. Many times we forget that all children do not have the same early childhood experiences.
    Your goal is very detailed and shows the equity and excellence of a great Early Childhood professional!

  4. Diedra,

    I agree that communication between internationally early childhood is very important. I have enjoyed reading your blog posts in this course. I wish you well in reaching your goals to become an educator.

  5. What a truly awesome goal, well said. I have stated before we need teamwork in this field. The more heads we put together the greater the impact. I have enjoyed reading your blogs and you are well on your way to becoming a great instructor. I don't think I will be with you in any more classes, because I had to drop the next course. Wishing you the best!
