Friday, March 18, 2016

Children in Nigeria suffer from poverty in numerous ways. household and family income is one. reason for this is because the child can suffer from the lack of necessities such as food, water, clothing etc. this form of poverty can have a lasting affect on a child's growth and development. Nigeria were severely suffering from the lack of water, health facilities and education. due to a 2007 update from the MCIS of Nigeria,
"fifty and forty-seven percent of the children are respectively
severely deprived of shelter and health facilities; 37
and 30 percent respectively are severely deprived of
(improved) water and education, while 28, 24 and
18 percent respectively are severely deprived of
sanitation, food and information" (UNICEF 2007)
Not to mention, Child mortality poverty is a big issue as well. Males were known to have a higher chance of dying before they reach the age of 5 than females, it has been stated that the education of the mother has an impact on the mortality rates of children. the increase of the mothers education, the decrease of mortality rates.
Food deprivation is a form of poverty that threatens the lives of young children in Nigeria, causing malnutrition, weight loss and illnesses and serious issues with their health.
"In 2007, the prevalence of severe food deprivation
was 24 percent while that of less severe food
deprivation was 45 percent. Between 1999/2000
and 2007, the trend in food deprivation worsened
from 16 percent to 24 percent a change of about
50 percent. Malnutrition in a child is indexed by
three measurements namely underweight,
stunting and wasting." (UNICEF 2007)


  1. How sad for a child's life to part of statistic of wasting, stunting, and malnourished. It would be hard to find time to play and enjoy life when you can even obtain enough food for minimal growth. I feel like although we have poverty in America, we do not have the issues of sanitation and disease that the poorer countries have.

  2. Great post Diedra! Reading your post has reminded me of how truly blessed we are. It saddens me to know that there are others that suffer with poverty. No child should have to suffer like this. Children should be able to enjoy life.

  3. In some parts of the world some families cannot change their situations unfortunately. What we can do is spread the word and talk about how prevalent poverty is and the importance of educating our children and adults about poverty. How to make changes, how to find resources. In America we do take the things we have for granted, but the more good we do here for our children the more we can aid other children in other countries. We must be great examples. Good post!
