Friday, March 4, 2016

Getting Ready—Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

In my attempt to establish contact with two early childhood professionals, I followed the link: but was only led to page that read: Access denied. Next, I followed the next link in the resources for part 1: and chose the South Asia region and the country of Bangladesh which provided me with the country web site and different contact info- mail, phone, address and email. I sent an email to address provided on 3-3-16 in hopes for feedback. No feedback had been given, therefore, I proceeded to the Alternative assignment and chose the source: Save the Children: A U.S. based non-profit organization working on behalf of children worldwide. and began to become familiar with the sight and learn more what they are about. For the second part of my blog assignment I chose resource:            
Zero To Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families (May have to use )
(Newsletters: and ). I have been reading through the sites to become familiar, so that I am able to comfortable share much more information. I am trying my best to make this a successful move, but slightly having cold feet in doing so. If anyone has any helpful tips they would like to share, I would greatly appreciate it. This is the beginning of an interesting journey and I am eager to find out what is in store.


  1. Deidra,

    I think you will find Zero to Three to be a very helpful website.

  2. Hi Diedra,

    I wish you well with this assignment. I read your comment on my post, and I agree that this assignment may be a bit challenging. We can do it! Good Luck to you as well.

  3. Hello again Diedra,

    Welcome to our next course. I am glad I am not alone in how I feel about this assignment. Hopefully we will receive feedback from our instructor and other classmates on ways we can make this assignment easier. Looking forward to learning something new through our blogging and the rest of this course.
